Homeward bound

Okay so we thought London was a Pervy Girl down for a brief amount of time which is still the case, however we're now using the term 'brief' for sanity reasons rather than an actual amount of time. So I bit the bullet (If thats what you do?) and actually faced up to the fact that I would rather endure the title of a quitter/ failure (or whatever phrases parents are using these days) than go back to that shithole that liked to call itself a university. So I'm totally excited about starting again in September. Until then I shall be resisting the urge to spend countless mornings with the likes of  Kelly, Kyle and Schofield and cram my day with exciting yet productive pervin'. 

Speaking of which, next week my fellow
perv and I will be getting hella busy. Still want a Pervy Bag? Message us.


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