exhausting the image

We were each given an image from an unknown source for my current brief. Mine was a photocopied collage type mess! The image lacked very little detail at first glance as the surface area was mainly black. I decided to only scan in elements of the image, in order to focus on the detail that there was. I then played around with the image by mirroring it and adding images over the top, to work towards a theme of repetition.


Pervy Flickr

We have got ourselves a Flickr, showing all of our work from the beginning to now. Some we're pleased with, some we're not, but its a learning process. And a process that we will always make together! 


"You have corrupted my imagination and inflamed my blood..."


"If they don't catch you you'll awake with a scream, and nearly cry as you sigh and realize it was a dream. You're soaking in sweat and thinking of things, that you should have been dreaming, instead of your dreams."
